Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Format: Printed
Issue No: GENL-0092-H
Language: Hindi
Pages: 32

A German scientist invents a procedure to induce mutation and turn humans into savage beasts. But he commits suicide when he discovers that his master Adolph Hitler has committed suicide and his invention lay undiscovered. Years later in a chance encounter Dhruv fights a monster that had undergone mutation! This monster was condemned to death by the leader of their gang for breaking the laws of the mutants! Dhruv begins his investigation in the jungles of Nagu Island. Various monsters await his arrival with anticipation! Dhruv has to wade through a forest guarded by these savage monsters! Will he outwit the savage beasts? Will Dhruv manage to infiltrate their head quarters and find the source of the menace? You will be on the edge of the seat reading this racy adventure exclusively on Raj Comics.